I Like Coffee

Friends now, at this time to drink coffee is the most tune. At breakfast, at work, when Online (blog for example) and the term arose in the coffee break every official events such as seminars, workshops, meetings, etc.. However, we may often observe what the benefits or negative impact of coffee for the health. At most, we know that after drinking coffee body feels fresh and the feeling of drowsiness disappear. In fact, there is no benefit from drinking a cup of coffee this. What is so special in the eyes of coffee addict. (Including my own). Curious ..? It is a good idea scrutinize summaries below, hopefully you will think it's revealed, and understand why coffee has many fans.

  1. The caffeine in coffee is a chemical substance derived from plants that can stimulate the brain and nervous system. Type of alkaloid caffeine are also known as trimetilsantin.
  2. Caffeine can help you to think more quickly. Try to consume coffee 15 minutes or 30 minutes before you do a job interview or giving a presentation on the boss. The result may be quite tolerable, because the caffeine in coffee that is evidently able to give 'signals' in the brain to respond more quickly and with a fleet of memory in the brain process.
  3. Caffeine prevent tooth hollow. Try to drink a cup of hot coffee as soon after you consume cookies, a delicious chocolate cake, candy or fruit taste sweet piece of bread.
  4. Caffeine reduce suffering headaches. People with migraine in the mild category can be cured with a cup of strong coffee. So, before consuming the medicine used to try heal headache caffeine drink with you.
  5. Caffeine can relieve asthma sufferer breath in a way that bronkial widen the channel connecting the esophagus with tuberculosis.
  6. Caffeine can make the body does not get tired quickly, can do more physical activities, while, in the estimate because the caffeine to make "fuel" used muscle longer.
  7. Caffeine can increase the feeling frisky, make us feel more fresh and energetic. Women who drank two cups or more of coffee per day can reduce the risk of exposure porous bones (osteoporosis).
  8. Coffee can enhance memory and mental appearance, because coffee can stimulate the brain in many areas that can still set the security, excitement, mood and concentration. Adults who drink coffee before the memory test shows a significant growth compared to those who drink coffee without caffeine.
  9. Caffeine can prevent free radical and the molecule that can damage cell DNA.
  10. Caffeine also protect the heart and cancer. (but not for those high-risk heart disease.)
  11. Reducing the risk of diabetes have a
  12. Parkinson rarely found in people who drink coffee regularly. A research conclude this disease is found on the man who does not drink coffee three times more men than it coffee.
  13. Drinking coffee makes sperm "swim" faster and able to increase male fertility. This Brazilian scientists announced in a meeting "American Society for Reproductive Medicine in San Antonio, where the main discussion around the effects of drugs on the fertility of adam.

Unfortunately, the coffee drinking habits often create an effect "addicted" both psychological and physiological. The general dependency of coffee, among others, feeling weary or tired, sleepy and lackluster day if it does not drink coffee. Reasonable drinks coffee is as much as 85 - 200 mg or 1 - 3 cup coffee. Here is the often negative impact caused by drink coffee:
  1. Drinking coffee on the 250 mg at a time can cause health disturbances, such as heart pulse, anxiety, insomnia (difficulty sleeping), nervous, tremor (hands tremble), even nausea and vomiting.
  2. Drinking coffee is also dangerous for people with hypertension (high blood pressure) because the compound caffeine can cause blood pressure rose sharply. In addition, coffee can also increase blood flow to the kidneys due to increased production of urin. So, not surprisingly, if not long after consuming coffee fast full bladder.
  3. Drinking too much coffee can also reduce women's fertility, especially if combined with alcohol. For women the age of menopause, drinking coffee in the number of lots could increase the risk porous bones (osteoporosis).
  4. In the medium dose, caffeine increase stomach acid production which lasts a long time, so that it can increase the risk of stomach disease, stomach tukak, or tukak small intestine. So the people with weak stomach should avoid the consumption of coffee.

The following described things that you need to know for coffee addict :
  • Dose
Indeed, there is no definitive measure for a dose of coffee can be consumed by people. However, most studies reveal that drinking 300 mg caffeine (about 1 to 3 cup of coffee a day) does not give negative effects in most healthy people.
  • Danger signals
When it feels drinks coffee favors, but is often followed by a feeling of guilt of a million. Know the danger signals so that the coffee we need to know when to stop drinking coffee. Danger signals are: anxiety, heart pulse, sleep disturbances and mood disturbances (eg quick-tempered). A coffee drinker stop drinking habits coffee can experience "caffeine withdrawal" is marked by headache beat, but the symptoms will disappear after 24-48 hours or get a new dose of caffeine.
  • Listen to the Response Body
Each person has their own restrictions on the consumption of caffeine. Most people can consume 2 cups coffee a day without problems. However, there are the bad effects of coffee consumption, the amount of the same. It's a telling stories after drinking a cup of coffee can not be sleeping through the night, otherwise there is a fall asleep after drinking coffee. So, the best way to listen to the response is the body itself!
  • Know Caffeine Gynecology
After knowing dose and response body, it's good we know the actual caffeine in products that often our consumption.

For you who have experienced the negative impact of coffee drinks, you can change with a glass of orange juice, green vegetables, along with consumption of vitamin B6 and B12. The types of food and drink, this does not contain zinc and caffeine but high mineral, vitamin and folat acid. While vitamin B6, B12, and acid folat very influential in homosistein lower level in the body, so that coronary heart disease can be avoided.

Tips drinking coffee is good:
  1. Do not add too much sugar. Recommended if coffee feel bitter, you can add cream or milk. Bitter taste of coffee is not caused long. "Coffee roasting is good in it, feeling bitter only 15 seconds in the throat.
  2. Drinking coffee with cake.
  3. Swallow coffee such as wine. First kiss is flavor. Then do not be drunk when swallowed, but enjoy. Because I like that, the coffee it never smoking
  4. For sensitive to the caffeine, try to have a reduced degree decaf.

Ok, coffee mania, it's explanation on strengthening the confidence to keep your coffee is consumed. An important need in mind, keep in portion limits. Because that is certainly not excessive for good health. Enjoy coffee.

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